
Tonte Ibraye

Executive Director
Mr. Tonte Ibraye has more than 11 years’ experience in maternal, newborn and child health advocacy and improving the welfare of people living with HIV/AIDS and children orphaned by AIDS. Tonte was appointed National Coordinator of White Ribbon Alliance Nigeria in November 2010. Under his leadership, WRA Nigeria has successfully pushed for the approval of three policies to improve maternal health in Nigeria. This includes increasing access to family planning, maternal death surveillance and reviews, and respectful maternity care. He also led WRA Nigeria to join in the call for passing the National Health Bill, which became law in 2014. He is currently a member of the Steering Committee of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) and the National Reproductive Health Working Group. A political scientist by profession, Tonte has served as the executive director of Live for Tomorrow, and between 2005 and 2008 was rivers state coordinator for the Civil Society for HIV/AIDS in Nigeria (CiSHAN). During that time, he pushed for the Rivers State Action Committee on AIDS to be transformed into the Rivers State Agency for the Control of AIDS (RiVSACA) through legislation passed by the Rivers State House of Assembly.

Dr Nanna Bali Chidi

Board Chair
Dr. Nanna Bali Chidi-Emmanuel is a Public Health Physician and has worked in both public and private health institutions for over 17 years. Her experience spans a broad spectrum from clinical service delivery, preventive medicine, social mobilization, advocacy to technical leadership, management and international experience. She is familiar with clinical and non-clinical strategies; has strong technical expertise in Reproductive Health, Maternal Newborn & Child Health, and HIV/AIDS fostering linkages, integration and ensuring synergy. Nanna has worked closely with high level policy makers both at state and national levels to advocate and consolidate the rights of every childbearing women in Nigeria. From her days as a Masters Student in Community Medicine at University of Liverpool, Nanna has championed and been a leading voice for maternal, newborn, and child health issues. In 2009, she organized a study tour to India as a cross-learning platform for the promotion of safe motherhood. Participants included representatives of the Nigerian Ministry of Health, parliamentarians, policy makers, community-based organizations, and regulatory bodies including the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria and Representatives of the Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Nigeria. Nanna’s wealth of experience ranges from being a house officer at Nigerian Army Reference Hospital, a medical officer at Lagos State Teaching Hospital, Quality Improvement Advisor at NURHI, and Registrar at Lagos State Teaching Hospital. Her professional affiliations include the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria, Nigeria Medical Association, TB and Poverty Subgroup, Association of Public Health Physicians and National Reproductive Health Working Group.

Dr Adaeze Oreh

Board Secretary
Dr Adaeze Oreh is a Family Physician with the Department of Hospital Services in the Federal Ministry of Health, Nigeria. She holds an MBBS degree from University of Nigeria, Nsukka and Master of Science (MSc) degrees in International Health Management from Imperial College and Public Health from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in addition to certification in Leadership and Management from both Harvard T H Chan School of Public Health and University of Washington. She has over 16 years’ experience in healthcare service delivery and health systems management across the private and public health sectors in Nigeria. Between 2009 and 2014, she was the programme manager in charge of Abuja Federal Capital Territory, Nassarawa and Niger States for the National Blood Transfusion Service (NBTS) a United States’ Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – U.S President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) project in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Health. Her role was critical to national policy formulation, data analytics and management, operations supervision, quality assurance and emergency preparedness and response. Dr Oreh is a Fellow of the West African College of Physicians, the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene and the Royal Society of Public Health and sits on the Governing Council of Nigeria’s first private university of Medical Sciences. She is a health systems contributor for several publications including Premium Times and The Guardian addressing health inequities and universal health coverage. Dr Adaeze Oreh was recently selected as one of 25 recipients of the Aspen New Voices Fellowship for 2019 by the Aspen Institute – an initiative that recognises change makers in global health and development sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and George Soros’ Open Society Foundation. She currently serves as the Public Relations Officer of the Society of Family Physicians FCT Abuja and Keffi Zone and spoke at the 74th United Nations General Assembly Universal Health Coverage Pavilion in New York.

Dr Francis Ohanyido

Board Member
Dr Francis Ohanyido has a track record of significant leadership in global health management of two-decades, with experience spanning both Governmental and non-Governmental sectors. He has technical expertise on the subject matter of maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health plus nutrition (MNCAH+N); He is President and Senior Fellow of the West African Academy of Public Health (WAAPH) and chairs Health Workforce Committee of the Health Sector Reform Coalition (HSRC), the largest health-focused NGO coalition in Nigeria and is also a key member of the MNCH Core Technical Committee for Nigeria under FMOH. He has served as Vice-Chair of the White Ribbon Alliance, Nigeria. He is a strong advocate for sustainable development and a key convener of the UN SDGs Professional Support Group for Africa. Dr. Ohanyido is a public health physician with a medical degree from Nigeria (MBBS), a postgraduate diploma in hospital & health administration, another postgraduate training in Public Health and Business Administration. He is an alumnus of the United Nations University’s 10th e-Governance class and the Harvard’s TH Chan School of Public Health’s Health Outcomes Research programme. He is a 2006 CMDS Global Scholar, a Fellow of Academy of Public Health (FAPH), Fellow, Royal Society of Public Health (FRSPH), UK and Member of the Science Advisory Board (USA) . He is currently a faculty of the “Supercourse” of Epidemiology at WHO Collaborating Center of the University of Pittsburgh and was part of the global team that worked to develop the Research Methods of the Library of Alexandria, Egypt. He is happily married with children.

Hadiza Dorayi

Board Member
Hadija Dorayi served as the Technical Assistant to the office of the Vice President on Sustainable Development Goals Projects. Before her appointment at the office of the Vice president, she was the Nigeria Lead for Population Refference Bereau, a Washington based NGO that supports Federal Ministry of health with training and advocacy materials on maternal /child health and nutrition. Hadiza has also worked as an Output Lead for UK Department for International Development, DFIDs voices for change, where she was responsible for mentoring adolescent girls to become future leaders and agents of change. This includes boosting their leadership skills, self confidence and creating the right enviromment for them to make informed descisions about their lives and their future. Hadiza worked with Save the Children International as head of campaign and communications, she advocated for improved laws and policies and helped prioritize childrens’ issues at Federal and State levels. In collaboration with the UN Millenium Campaign, she coordinated the inclusion of Nigerian Civil Society voices into the Global Post 2015 Sustainable Development Agenda (SDGs). As a hobby, Hadiza produces video documentaries on sustainanle development issues. Her documentaries have been screened at International conferences such as the UN General Assembly in New York, launch of the State of the World’s Mother’s Report in London, the high level meeting on Sustainable Development in Bali, the Immunization Conference in Addis Ababa and a screening for Bill Gates and Aliko Dangote at the lauch of Routine Immunisation Strategy in Abuja. She is a graduate of Law from University of Abuja, with a Masters degree in Law. She is a member of the International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA), the Muslim Lawyers Association of Nigeria (MULAN).

Hauwa Yerima

Board Member
Hauwa is a Program Associate with the MacArthur Foundation, Africa Office in Abuja. She is responsible for processing grants to ensure effective compliance with grantmaking guidelines in the pre and post grant processes. The grant areas which she facilitates include: strengthening the criminal justice architecture, reducing corruption in the education and electricity sectors, supporting media and journalism to carry out in-depth corruption investigations , exposing corruption and sharing information on anti -corruption efforts, as well as support for entertainment and faith-based organizations to use their work to influence attitudes and behaviors with a view to promoting accountability. Prior to joining the Foundation, Hauwa was a Program Officer at the Zero Corruption Coalition, an organization committed to the re-establishment of the culture of transparency, accountability, integrity and respect for human dignity, in order to attain good governance and social justice. While with ZCC, she was responsible for project conceptualization, implementation and monitoring of anti-corruption and accountability programs amongst other programs. She also coordinated the drafting of bills to amend the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission Act, Independent and Corrupt Practices and Other Related Matters (ICPC) Act, and the Code of Conduct Bureau and Tribunal Act. Hauwa holds a Law degree from the University of Lagos and a Masters in Science Degree (MSc) in counter fraud and counter corruption studies from the University of Portsmouth.

Chukwu Victor Hamza

Board Member
CHUKURE VICTOR HAMZA, is a lawyer and a member of prestigious Nigerian Bar Association. Born in Emohua Local Government Area of Rivers State in June 1983, Chukure started his career in Law in 2011 after graduation from Nigeria Law school. He began building his career in law during his National youth service at the State Counsel with the Federal Ministry of Justice, Lafia. In 2012, Chukure moved on to become Associate Counsel, Ucheaguwa Enuma & Co., Alpha Oye Chambers. 2015, He worked as Associate Counsel, for Femi S. Akinbinu & Co chambers. He is currently Company Secretary and Legal Adviser to Trexcorp Group of Companies limited and its subsidiaries, and a Lead Partner, Magen Attorneys Abuja Nigeria.